This web site is sponsored by Winterborne Houghton Parish Council
Contact us by email to:

Most recent site update 23/5


If you can't see a menu bar just below the 'Welcome' message, click here for SITEMAP

Lost your way ?

You need our maps of village dwellings - here

Internet Security

Please continue to be vigilant especially with emails

Don't forget to update your software - here


Recent updates

    * May Parish Council minutes here
Parish Council web site  here



Neighbourhood Security 

  • Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner web site - here

  • New Police online knowledge base - here

Other information

  • Train ticket booking information - here

  • Links to travel information - here

  • Useful road information - here

  • Fuel cost calculator here
  • Dorset care record here
  • Blandford Refuse Centre info - here
  • Houghton Traffic survey news here
  • 20 mph speed limit - here

  • Dorset Community Foundation - please pass this information to anyone without a computer who might need it - click here

  • General information on road closures - here

  • Village Design Statement - if required for reference -  here
  • VILLAGE PLAN DOCUMENT - here - posted 1 Oct 2012


Winterborne Houghton parish lies 15 miles north of Lulworth Cove on the Purbeck Heritage Coast, Dorset, England in an area of outstanding natural beauty. Surrounding woodland and downland is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest


Lat: 50° 50' 20.4'' N,

Long: 2° 15' 25.2'' W

British National Grid ST 820045

Houghton weather here

Road information here

A member of Villages Online

St Andrew's Church
Winterborne Houghton


The village from Houghton South Down -
620 ft above sea level