The Parish Council has been given a small parcel of land containing the old shed adjacent to the Hollow. Details of discussions are available from records of council minutes on this web site - July 2010 onwards.
The intention is to convert the space formed by this land and the existing common land into a 'community area' with space for occasional events. Rose Grant has kindly raised funds for several apple trees which she will tend at least until they are established.
The legal transfer of the land from the previous owner to the Parish Council is now complete and has been temporarily financed from council funds. However the Valley News has most generously contributed £570 toward the total cost of the transfer and setting up of the community area.
In addition, we have a manager to coordinate any further fund raising events that may be necessary for the initial purchase and subsequent upkeep. (A similar arrangement for funding was made for the Millennium Pond).
Consequently we are looking for volunteers for fund raising and possible future maintenance! |
Common land (the Jubilee Orchard) - Demolition of the donkey shed 30th/31st July 2011 here
24 June 2011 - A meeting chaired by Claire Scott took place to discuss the work required to develop the common land and to maintain it in the future. 6th July 2011 - Around 20 people attended the meeting at Becky and Terry's home on the to allocate fund raising tasks. As a result several very generous donations to the development fund were also made.
Auction in aid of the Jubilee Orchard Saturday 6th August 2011 - photos here After the site has been levelled, four or five apple trees will be planted and these will be specimens of very old Dorset varieties. This should help to preserve them for future generations. We are referring to the area as the JUBILEE ORCHARD; however some parishioners have requested that the term 'Common Land' should remain in the title to remind future generations of the origin of the land. 28th September 2011 - the site has been levelled and prepared for planting approx 8 apple trees - photos here 25th March 2012 - 9 apple trees and one pear tree have been planted - photos here February 2013 - the bank farthest from the road showed signs of crumbling after the donkey shed was demolished. This has been modified to a gentle slope which is safer and will require little maintenance once grass is established. Photos here |
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